Thrive Wholistic Veterinary Care focuses on nutritional services via telehealth and in office visits. Acupuncture and energy medicine (Nutrition Response Testing) are also offered because as a wholistic and integrative minded veterinarian I believe that optimal nutrition and body balance will lead to an optimal life for your pet. Thank you for inviting me to become part of your pet’s wellness team!
Please be aware of the type of appointment that you are booking for your pet. If you need to cancel or reschedule your visit, please do so by emailing me at
Appointment times are listed for Central time (CST).
In-office appointments are held at the following locations:
- Every other Tuesday: Good Land Veterinary Clinic – 6854 N Santa Monica Blvd, Fox Point, WI 53217
- Every other Thursday: Muscle and Movement Therapy – W62N228 Washington Ave, Cedarburg, WI 53012
If you are ready to schedule you can click here, or navigate down to the bottom of this page.
Wholistic/Nutritional Consultations – Telehealth or In Office
Telehealth consultations are an excellent way to get wholistic help for your pet, no matter where you live or how busy you are. Limited in-office consultations are also available. Consultations include a review of history, a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine assessment, and an in-depth 30–45-minute conversation about your goals for your pet. Recommendations will be made that are detailed and pet-specific, including food therapy and supplements or herbs as appropriate. Follow up consults are recommended for best results and are billed according to time. Telehealth consultations are not intended to take the place of regular veterinary care and will not diagnose or treat your pet.
Please specify if you prefer phone or Zoom for your consult.
- Telehealth Initial Nutritional Consult (45 minutes) – $195. Mandatory appointment for all new pets.
- Telehealth Follow Up Nutritional Consult (30 minutes) – $100
Nutrition Response Testing
Nutrition Response Testing (NRT) appointments involve diet evaluation and a hands-on indirect testing of muscle reflexes on your pet. This method allows your pet’s body to communicate specific areas of stress or imbalance. If your pet is determined to be a good candidate for an NRT Designed Clinical Nutrition program, I can be very specific about natural support products that resonate with your pet in real-time. Pets that qualify for this program are seen every 2-4 weeks for as long as it takes for them to attain better health and balance. NRT is not designed to take the place of regular veterinary care and will not diagnose or treat your pet.
Plan a full hour for the initial in office consultation and 20-30 minutes for follow-up appointments either by telehealth or in office.
Nutrition Response Testing (60 minutes)
– New patient: $195
– Existing patient: $100
Follow up Nutrition Response Testing
– 20 minutes: $68
– Additional 10 minutes: $30
Acupuncture with Thrive is based on both a conventional and a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine evaluation of your pet and often includes other recommendations such as foods or supplements that will help your pet heal.
Each acupuncture appointment takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes during which you are welcome to relax with your pet.
Acupuncture Services (30-45 minutes)
– Initial Acupuncture: $145
– Follow-up Acupuncture: $110 per visit
– Electro-acupuncture: additional $30 per visit
If you need to cancel or reschedule your visit, please do so by emailing me at